Manhattan as seen from Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. Taken on the 4th of July this year, just a few minutes before the fireworks display.
It's been raining for most of today and yesterday wasn't much better, so I'm still waiting for the kind of weather conditions which would allow me to take pretty long exposures. In northern Germany, autumn is coming early, and soon the leaves will be falling down and it'll be raining even more. Most Germans think the weather in Britain is worse, but that's not true.
I always loved to take the train from Richmond to Waterloo Station and walk along the River Thames on autumn weekends, visit an exhibition at Tate Modern, and have pizza or pasta at Al Rollo's upon my arrival back home in Richmond.
Now that I mentioned my beloved Richmond: If you ever visit London, make sure to find a couple hours to make a trip to Richmond. It's worth the visit if only because of William Curley's shop - which might very well be chocolate heaven!
Goodnight, and have a great week everyone!
- Dom