20 November 2009

Dream Fields

Lüneburg, Germany. November 2009.

You can talk the tongue of angels
You can walk the thin white line
Raid your hearts imaginations
Let your thoughts live and run wild

("Dreamfields", C. & R. MacDonald, Runrig)

Such brilliant lyrics...

The sleep schedule I had before I became a full time student was contrary to the one I've had since university started. It's still hard to adjust to my new one, because I used to stay up late until at least 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning; now my alarm is set for 6 o'clock sharp. Four hours of sleep are four to little though. 
Long story short, I will most likely not have any new long exposures coming up on here, at least not before I'm done with presentations about the palace and settlement of Tell el-Dab'a, the ship burial of Valsgärde, the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, and the Alexander Mosaic respectively.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

- Dom

09 November 2009

Who'll Stop The Rain

Hey there! 

I don't know who or what stops the rain, but just in time for my Berlin trip, the sun came out, and soon after I came back home, the rain came pouring down again on Penny Lane. Okay, enough with the pop culture references.

Here are two more pictures taken in Berlin this past weekend. The light of the setting sun was particularly beautiful...

Last but not least, me and my awesome web designer Marc spent more than an hour talking on the phone yesterday getting all the latest (and hopefully last) corrections to the website done or discussing what needs to be changed. Another challenging task is deciding in what order the pictures are to appear. Finally, the website should be up and running later this week. No kidding.

Have a great week!

- Dom