18 August 2012

Sweet Little Mystery

Just that sweet little mystery that breaks my heart
Just that sweet little mystery makes me cry
Oh that sweet little mystery that's in your heart
It's just that sweet little mystery that makes me try

(John Martyn - Sweet Little Mystery)

Hey there... 

You might have noticed that my blog has been invisible for a few weeks. Let me explain the reasons.
I've never before had a more busy work schedule than the one I've had in the past few weeks, working an average of 30 hours at my first job and 15 at my second job. There's no end in sight either. 
Also, there were things in my private life that needed sorting out. 
I was involved in a car accident last year, and even though it's been more than a year now, the case isn't over yet, and it's been wearing me out because I'm not the person responsible for the accident. 
Furthermore there has been this woman I've mentioned in a few previous blog posts - one of my regular customers, the first whose preferred drink I remembered. We went out a couple times and we got along fantastically. Last Sunday, however, I found out that she thought I was in a relationship already... and that she saw me as a friend. She couldn't believe that a guy as nice and respectful as me was single. That's what you get for being a gentleman who treats women well? I'm not gonna lie... I'm disappointed. I still think she's a wonderful person, so I'd rather be her friend than not get to spend time with her at all.
Last but not least, I still haven't written and handed in my essays and papers for university, and the deadline is the last day of September.
I've been so uninspired I contemplated deleting my blog. I haven't taken a picture in weeks, except for some iPhone snapshots. I deactivated my Facebook account already. But I don't think I'm gonna delete this blog... because this blog has been like a diary to me for the past few years. All the places I've been to, the photographs I've taken, the music that's inspired me, the articles I've read... it's all there for me to look back on now and in the future.

I hope to be able to post new pictures soon, and please understand that I've been too busy to keep up with your blogs. I hope to make up for it soon. 

Have a good weekend.

- Dom


Emm said...

I did notice your blog had gone missing!

I always say that in times like these, real life gets in the way and must take precedence. Take all the time you need and if and when you do come back, we'll all be waiting here for you. Blogging is not meant to be a chore where you feel obliged to blog and to visit other people's blogs.

And yes... my comments always land up in the spam filter. Blogger has been doing that to me since February for some reason and it has made me consider packing it all in at times!

Carola said...

First of all I glad to be able to read your blog again. Your writing and photography is fantastic.

Weil es für mich so viel einfacher ist, schreib' ich jetzt mal auf deutsch weiter. Du hast mein vollstes Verständnis, wenn dein Blog ruht. Bei dem was du in letzter Zeit alles durchgemacht hast. Umso mehr finde ich es beachtlich wie locker du darüber schreibst. Ja, so ein Blog ist wie ein Tagebuch, empfinde ich auch immer wieder so. Besonders wenn dann bei mir auch die Frage aufkommt, schaff ich das alles noch. Warum mache ich das? Ja es ist genau wie du schreibst.

Dein Blog in seiner einmaligen Art gehört zu meinen Lieblingsblogs.

Ich wünsche dir, dass sich die Dinge so entwickeln wie du es dir wünschst.

46mile speed said...

I have felt relieved, being able to see your blog again

Jaime Baiao said...

Well, it's nice to see you back!
Take a breath of a good mood... and share your excellent visual work!
Time is the best medicine.
A big hug. See you.

Ian said...

Sometimes life just takes over. Haven't been too active on the photography and blogging front myself either with lots of other things going on.

Look forward to your return.
Take care,

chiendent said...

Oh, I even take you off from bookmark and link. I am glad Denis just found you back ! :)

Brooke said...

I would be so sad if of all things this blog disappeared for forever. Really. I'm pretty sure this is what I first starting following of yours!

You know that I know exactly what you are talking about here. Life truly does get in the way all too much. I have literally been living a to-do list for almost all of this year and I myself have had a hard time shooting much personal pictures.

Just do what you can and always do all of it for fun :) as soon as it becomes a chore, just take a break!

Babzy.B said...

hey , i think you need holidays ;)

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Hope you have some spare time very soon Dom!
Have a nice weekend
Yvonne & Raphael

joo said...

It's good to see you back, Dom! Sometimes it's really hard to find time for everything - I know it very well, believe me. I'm sorry to hear about your car accident. It's another thing I know pretty well, since I was in similar situation some years ago -all it took almost two years, and was so annoying and disappointing -horrible. I'm sure you'll manage to sort everything out soon. Keep my fingers crossed for it:)
Take care!

Unknown said...

Take your time, but DON'T delete this blog, Dom!